happened 100 years ago-- legs and arms grew, cancer healed, teeth grew.....

The building in Los Angeles, CA where the Revival took place

The Azusa Street Revival was a historic Pentecostal revival meeting that took place in Los Angeles, California and was led by William J. Seymour, an African American preacher. In 1904, the Welsh Revival took place, during which approximately 100,000 people in Wales joined the movement. Internationally, Evangelical Christians took this event to be a sign that a fulfillment of the prophecy in the book of Joel, chapter 2:23–29 was about to take place.

There was a Prophecy given about the upcoming Revival that will take place in about 100 years later.
It will begin in Eastern North Carolina and will spread in the U.S.A. and around the world.
This revelation was given to William Seymour during Azusa Revival that God will visit us again in the "latter days"!

William Seymor

WILLIAM SEYMOUR arrived in Los Angeles on February 22, 1906 (Our Ministry officially started on February 22, 2009). On April 9 (Passover), 1906, after five weeks of Seymour's preaching and prayer, and three days into an intended 10 DAYS FAST and PRAYER, Edward S. Lee (friend of Seymour) spoke in tongues for the first time. At the next meeting, Seymour shared Lee's testimony and preached a sermon on Acts 2:4 and soon six others began to speak in tongues as well, including Jennie Moore, who would later become Seymour's wife. A few days later, on April 12 (Resurrection), Seymour himself spoke in tongues for the first time, after praying all night long. Read more about the Revival HERE

Excerpt from the book "They Told Me Their Sories
The Youth and Children of Azusa Street Tell Their Stories" - page 90


William Seymor with his wife Jennie Moore  

William Seymour, the leader of the Azusa Street Awakening,

also prophesied in 1909 that in 100 years there would be

an outpouring of God's Spirit and His Shekinah Glory

that would be greater and more far reaching

than what was experienced at Azusa.


"The GrandMother of the Pentesoastal Movement"

Read here about her wonderous ministry, which continued for 40 years (1884-1924)


In a revival in Chicago, which continued for 6 months, the renown evangelist Maria Woodworth Etter began her part of that revival on July 2-28, 1913 at Stone Church. As Christians prayed around the altar one evening, Sister Woodworth-Etter and others gave the following powerful prophecy and divine promise, which they prophesied would occur within 100 years of the 1913 Chicago Visitation. She prophesied of this coming End Time Revival ....

"We are not yet up to the fullness of the Former Rain and that when the Latter Rain comes,

it will far exceed anything we have seen!"


I see the LAST DAY REVIVAL that's is going to usher in the precious fruit of the earth. It will be the GREATEST REVIVAL this world has ever seen! It's going to be a wave of the gifts of the Spirit. The ministry gifts will be flowing on this planet earth. And I see every form of disease healed. I see whole hospitals emptied with no one there. Even the doctors are running down the streets shouting. ...there would be untold numbers of uncountable multitudes that would be saved. No man will say ‘so many, so many,’ because nobody will be able to count those who come to Jesus. No disease will be able to stand before God’s people… It will be a worldwide situation, not local,” he said, “a worldwide thrust of God’s power and God’s anointing upon mankind.”

Smith Wigglesworth




Smith Wigglesworth's prophetic word about the coming move of the Holy Spirit -- Read here.



on April 6, 1975, Sunday, at Deliverance Evangelistic Temple, Jacksonville, NC
prophesied out of Zephaniah 2:6

“I have found favor with you here in Eastern North Carolina. I, JESUS, WILL PERSONALLY VISIT YOU.
There will be a revival greater than that of the great Wales Revival at the turn of the century (1904-1905).
There will be KINGS and LEADERS who will come from North and South and East and West


It will spread around the whole world!


When the war in Iraq started in 2004, the Lord asked me to begin praying for the soldiers who are returning with injuries and mental sicknesses. He said, "Pray for arms and legs to grow, organs to be recovered, brains to be restored." I said, "Yes, Lord!" and began faithfully twice a day to pray from 2004 until 2009. One day at the beginning of 2009, I said to the Lord that this looks impossible to happen and my prayers are not aswered. And THEN, He showed me the miracles of the Azusa St. Revival and I was in awe. I watched the video (top video bellow), bought the book and read it. All of the miracles are recorded. What an Amazing God we serve!

Later, he Lord gave me a vision confirming the prophecies of the upcomimg revival....

One morning in May of 2011 as I was praying, suddenly I had a vision. I was taken to space and I saw to my right the Lord Jesus (Heb. Yashua). He was showing me the earth at night time; it was stunningly beautiful. As I was enjoying the view, suddenly, fire caught on different spots of the earth, and soon after the whole earth was on fire. I turned to see what the Lord was doing; He was looking intently at the earth. I also turned to look and the fire was consuming the earth. Then I zoomed in on Wilmington, North Carolina and I saw myself on the ground. I was terrified of what I just witnessed. I began to cry and call upon the Lord to intervene, I was asking to show His glory. After a while, A GIGANTIC BEAM OF LIGHT came from Heaven with an enormous power. It hit here and it spread around the whole earth. I was in awe of what I saw. It was the Shekinah Glory of the Lord, the Power of His Kingdom, marking the beginning of THE DAYS OF HEAVEN ON EARTH. When the Lord showed me the earth caught on fire, I was given me a closer look of what was happening and I saw people attacking each other, riots, violence, and anarchy all around the world.

[I had read many of the Prophecies, God gave to Prophet Kim Clement, who was the biggest prophet in the world and the Lord took him to Heaven in Nov. 2016, but especially one from May 2, 2015 caught my attention (read here). Kim said: "... I heard the words social, political, economical upheaval, deluge and violent action." Everything in the Word of God has two implications-Spiritual and Physical. It was a confirmation of what the Lord showed me in this vision.]

It became clear to what the Fire meant, as I remembered the scripture: "His Word is a Consuming Fire" (Haggai 2:6-9; Luke 12:49-53; Hebrews 12:25-29)! The Word will be for some people Judgment, and for others –Independance and Freedom. I perceived the meaning of the vision, which was that THE WORLD WILL BE IN A DIRE NEED FOR THE SALVATION OF THE LORD! The Last, Final and Eternal Revival will begin soon. Before Judgment to take place, God always releases great Mercy. "THE DOUBLE CURE" will take place—the Salvation of the Soul and the Healing of the Body! The Word of God will be accompanied by Sings, Miracles and Wondrous things. The Spirit of Prophecy will be released to Give Testimony to THE MESSIAH—THE JEWISH YASHUA (Joel 3:1-2; Acts 2:17; Rev 19:10). The Dividing Wall between Jews and Gentiles will be removed and THE ONE NEW MAN (Eph. 2:14-16) will come forward through the worshipping of the Father in Spirit and Truth (John 4:23), through

(Psalm 19:7; 119:142; Romans 7:12) 

Miracles and wondrous things are coming, Salvation and Healing, Casting out of Demons, Raising of the Dead, Translation in the Spirit (Ezekiel 11:1; Apostle Phillip in Acts 8:39-40), Wealth transfer (Prov. 13:22), THE LORD WILL MAKE US YOUNGER (Reversing of Aging –the Sons and Daughters of God (Romans 8:19) cannot be older than Yashua Who was 33 years and an half at the time of His death, the Lord gave me a dream of how my body will look and there is a confritmation from the Revelator Kat Kerr saying, "we will look in our 20 s"), TRANSFORMATION OF THE BODY (Job 33:25; Philippians 3:21) and a lot more. There is much more to come for the Lord likes to surprise us! Finally,
the scriptures will come alive
because God
“He Watches (Hastes) over His word to perform it” (Jer. 1:12)
“The days are near and the fulfillment of every prophetic vision....
None of my words will be delayed any longer, 
but the word that I speak will be performed, declares the Lord YHVH” (Ezez. 12:23, 28)

Emilia Emet